
A Once in a Lifetime Astrological Event is Coming! april conjunction jupiter jupiter neptune conjuction neptune Apr 14, 2022

The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction is rare because it only happens once every 165 years! It is happening for us on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:43 am (PST), 9:43 am (EST), 1:43 pm (London), 11:43 pm (Sydney), adjust for your time zone wherever you are in the world.

The Jupiter/Neptune...

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April Astrology april monthly forecast Jan 17, 2022

(*Originally published 4/9/21)

The Sun is in Aries and will move into Taurus on Monday April 19, 2021.


New Moon in Aries on April 11-12: this will be the first New Moon for this Astrological year.


Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26-27- this Full Moon will be a Super Moon, it...

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